You Should Strive To Be In ALL Situations That The Lord Others May See

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Setting Realistic Goals a Crucial Step

Setting Realistic Goals is a Crucial Step in having a Successful Online Business.

Setting Goals for Yourself:

You need a WHY... Why do you want to work for yourself. WHY... What is your motivating factor? Do you have Goals set for yourself. Both short and longterm? If not this would be a GREAT place to start. Setting realistic goals for yourself is a Crucial step in having a Successful business.

Cannot Serve Two Masters:

I have seen several business ventures since I started online almost 3 years ago. Not all of them have proven successful. One thing I can tell you is Do Not be a Hopper. Find something (service or product) and devote yourself to it. You will have more credibility with people than if you are in a dozen different programs. You cannot serve 2 masters at the same time. (rephrased you cannot devote all your time and energies to several programs, nor be fair to all your members in the different programs)

Think about what it is that you are wanting to Accomplish. Set Goals and then work toward them. Get yourself a Dream board and put pictures on it. Put that new home or new car or maybe a Paid in Full notice anything that will help to motivate you everyday. Remember this is a Business. So treat it as such. You have to have Goals. Both short and long term ones.

If There's a Will There's a Way:

These are some of the things that I have done. That helped to Motivate me. I never gave up on My Dreams. Nor should you. If there is a Will there is a Way. Be the Sponsor that you want yours to be. Do not look to Blame anyone else for you failures. Ultimately it all lies on the person in the mirror. You have to be a Digger. (an information getter) If you have questions about a product or service. ASK questions. Until you are satisfied. Remember it is a Business. Treat it as such. Would you let a contractor come into your home and start digging up the place without first wanting to know WHY? of course not. Be the same way with your business. It will serve you well.

Written By:Becky Blevens
About the Author:Becky Blevens is a successful marketer that has had the privilege of working with several online companies. She works in customer support as the Business Coach.... Helping Others Achieve is her Passion.. Authors website Becky Blevens

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