You Should Strive To Be In ALL Situations That The Lord Others May See

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Motivating Factors to Starting a Home Business

Motivating Factors to Starting a Home Business

Thoughts: Many times. I have wondered what Motivates people to want to work from home. There are several factors that One must look at in order to properly address this question.

Factors to Consider:

1) Are they currently at home due to loss of job, downsizing or maybe a stay at home mom/dad.

2) Is it the need to be in control of their lives. Not necessarily the money but what it represents. TIME AND FREEDOM.

3) Maybe the extra income is the Motivating factor. An extra 100.00 or more a month could greatly improve any household.

So with just looking at the 3 options above. One can conclude that anyone with a willingness to succeed should be successful in wanting to do a Home Business. Yet only a small percentile are Successful. WHY??? Just because someone has the willingness or desire to want to work from home does not mean that they have the same motivating factors.

For instance look at these scenarios:

1) A stay at home mom/dad who just wants to make a little extra money. Does not really need it. Just would like to have it. ( What is the motivation here?) Very little...

2) A dad/mom who is the main supporter of the family who just lost their job to downsizing. They have to earn an income. ( What is the motivation here?) Very STRONG.....

3) A person who is just wanting to start a career from home. Has the resources and the time to make it happen. ( What is the motivation here?) Very Good...

So What Can We Conclude From This?


Different motivating factors can greatly increase or decrease ones willingness to succeed in a Home Business. Having a Desire to want something better does not make it happen. One must both have a desire and willingness to Achieve. Only then will they be Motivated to Overcome Obstacles.

Other Factors to Bear in Mind:

Just because a person feels out a Survey requesting to want to work from home or fills out a form on a Capture page. Does not mean that when you call them up they will really want to do anything at all. They just filled out a Survey or Form. They have a Desire to want to do it, but not really the desire to make it happen. Always bare this in mind. Do not become discouraged in your DESIRE TO ACHIEVE. Stay Focused on Your Goals. It is your responsibility to keep driving ahead. The only person that can ultimately cause you to lose your dream is yourself. Don't quit dreaming.

Written By Becky Blevens

Becky Blevens is a Stay at home mom. She was diagnosed with Cancer when her little boy was born and wanted to stay home and raise him and not have to work a traditional job. She found success and has been working online now Full time for 3 years this October.

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